46 Main Street Franklin, NJ  07416 | Phone: 973-827-9280

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In 1968, New Jersey passed a resolution declaring the Borough of Franklin the “Fluorescent Mineral Capital of the World”.

New Jersey has a long history of mineral mining, including two world-famous zinc mines in Sussex County, at Franklin and at Ogdensburg.

Franklinite, discovered in only two places in the World, only exists in quantity within the Franklin Mining District.

The mineral has unique properties that are found almost exclusively here in the Franklin area, have made the area world-famous, through a NJ DEP poll has been recognized as the best representative of NJ mineral, has a main element of zinc which has strengthened America’s economy along with iron that has helped us in the Revolutionary War and the 1800s, and has brought immigrants and livelihood to the State over the last 150 years”.
In order to pay recognition to the scientific, economic, and historic importance of Franklinite, it is fitting and appropriate to designate Franklinite as the official mineral of the State of New Jersey.

The Borough of Franklin Mayor and Council adopted Franklin Borough Resolution #2023-29 on February 14, 2023, supporting Bill No. S-1727 supplementing chapter 9A of Title 52 of the Revised Statutes and identical Bill A3393 in the Assembly, designating “Franklinite” as the Official Mineral of the State of New Jersey now being considered for adoption by the Senate of the State of New Jersey.


Borough of Franklin


46 Main Street
Franklin, NJ 07416





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